Eight people connected to the Pune Devils franchise in the Abu Dhabi T10 tournament, including Bangladesh’s Nasir Hossain, have been accused by the ICC’s anti-corruption unit of engaging in corrupt activities during the 2020-21 edition of the tournament. The charges also involve two franchise co-owners, two domestic players, a batting coach, an assistant coach, and a team manager.
The Emirates Cricket Board, which oversees the T10 tournament, brought forward these charges. The accused individuals have two weeks to respond.
The ICC revealed that known corrupt individuals in cricket attempted to infiltrate the Pune Devils camp to manipulate their matches, but these attempts were thwarted by the anti-corruption unit.
In addition to charges related to not reporting corrupt approaches and hindering the investigation, Sanghvi faces betting charges, while Zaidi, Javed, Saman, and Dhillon are accused of attempting to improperly influence matches. Javed and Saman also face charges related to offering rewards for corrupt practices.
Nasir Hossain, a prominent player, has been charged for failing to report receiving a gift worth more than $750, which is a mandatory rule in the anti-corruption code.